What is Software?

Chirag Chatterjee 7083
5 min readJun 10, 2021


By- Chirag Chatterjee

“Software is a great combination between artistry and engineering!” -Bill Gates

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Do you know what we all are dependent upon on daily basis?

In the world where we are full of highly advance technologies, where even the smallest work od our daily life has started being dependent on the machines. Each of these machines runs on a peculiar base and framework, namely SOFTWARE. Software is like the DNA of the machine, without which the machine has negligible existence. But do we actually know what a software is? So without ceasing at the spectatoor bands, let’s ride the hoverboards and dive in!

What is Software?

Theoratically, a software is a component of any machine, an electronic device to be specific that is a combination os set of programings, algorithm, series and combinations of instructions that help the operator to run the device smoothly without any difficulties. These patterns and algorithms have to be fed while designing the software.

Software in Code Karo Yaaro Glossary-

To be simplified in the context, Software is a set on instructions that run a machine. As we all have heard that an electronic device is a combination of two components namely Hardware, the components we can touch, and feel by our senses and Softwares, named to be distinguished from the earlier, the components of the electronic device that we cannot touch or feel.

It is the generic expression used for any type of application, or system that runs on our devices like computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, etc. Software is indeed a manual for the computer about the tasks performed in it.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

How many types of Softwares are there?

In this world full of trends, there happen to be a nummerous types of softwares. Although on a broader perspective there are two classifications of Softwares. They are namely-

  1. System Softwares- The ones that operate the internal operations of the computer, like the involuntary actions.
  2. Application Softwares- The ones that execute only on the users command. To be referred as the voluntary actions in humans.

Let us see more about these software types.


System softwares are the most important component of the computer devices because they are the streamlines that help in the operations of the commands of the compuuters. Not only this, systemm softwares also help in controling the actions of the devices connected to the computers as well. Taking this in account, they are also known as “OPERATING SOFTWARES” (OS). They are mostly inbuild in the computer devices.

Now, when we know what a syatem software is commonly called, we all have the names of some system softwares storming our heads. Some famous system softwares are Windows, Linux, IOS, Android, etc.

The system softwares are basically a set of device drivers, compilers, dis formatters, etc. They are generally structured on a C level language Coding.


Application softwares are next important components of the computers. On the contrary of the system softwares that are involuntary in their actions, the application softwares, are dependent on the external commands fed by the user and then process them to get ththe result or end the task. hence, it can be deduced that each application software has been designed to perform a certain task.

This type of software may be a single program or a combination of multiple. As the name suggests, it can be simplified as ‘Apps’ for the users. Application softwares come in all sorts. For example wordsheet, presentations, media players and games as well. The list can be never ending.

Having known the two primary types of the Softwares, let us dive deeper and know about soome other types of softwares-

  1. Network Softwares-

Network Softwares are the softwares that help us keep a look on the computers connected in a network. In simpler words, a network software that helps us to keep a supervision on every computer linked in a network topology. Other than this, these also help us in directing the data from one computer to other and co-ordinate the required communication between thise computers.

There are various network softwares. One of the most prominent network softwares is Windows NT.

2. Programming Softwares-

Programmers are the profeesssionals who develope any application or any other aid for the same. This is where the Programming Softwares come in. Programming Softwares are the softwares that help the programmers to develope application softwares by providing them a base. They are made by compilers, interpreters, etc.

The applications are programed on specific languages called programming languages. There atre various programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, etc. There are Softwares that allow thee programmers to do Coding in these languages. For example, Blue J is an Programming Software that helps the professionals and stuudents to code in Java language.

3. Malicious Softwares-

Commonly known to the mass by Malwares, these softwares are intentionally developed by people harm other computer devices by the various perpose of destroying data, copying data undetected, etc. The harm is often done unknown to the user as this kind of software works in a concealed way. There are a number of malwares-

  • Spyware
  • Trojan Horses
  • Adware
  • Theft Viruses
  • Adware
  • Worms
  • Computer Viruses.

There are many softwares that prevent the hazardous affects of the malwares. They are commonly called Antivirus.

Where are the softwares stored?

The softwares are stored on various external or inter memory devices in the system. For any software to run, it has to be first of all installed into a storage device essentially the ROM (Read Only Memory) or RAM (Random Access Memory). The System softwares are permanently stored in ROM while on the contrast, the insstructions of the running application softwares are temporarily transferred to the RAM.


When we say in a whole box, we can agree on the fact that the softwares are the nerve center of the Computer systems. The hardware would be completely of no use without the softwares that run them.

Do you still think that we all are dependent on the softwares? If yes, do you think we all and especially the young buds of our nation should learn programming?

Then contact Code Karo Yaaro and start the online class with India’s Best Onine Coding Class today!

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